Miles Funeral Home is known around the surrounding communities for our commitment to quality services, highly trained staff and world-class facilities. We strive to serve each family with the utmost compassion and professionalism. It’s our vision to be the most respected funeral and cremation service provider through our passion and commitment to serve every family and guide them through one of life’s toughest journey’s. We approach every aspect of our work with dignity, creativity, intelligence, experience and a strong desire to improve and innovate. Our hope is to end each day knowing that we have done our absolute best, while the same time working diligently to ensure that the next day we will do even better.

Price List

The prices below are based on the General Price List for Miles Funeral Home. However, funeral homes sometimes have special pricing packages available, and you should ask if those are available.


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Traditional Full Service Burial $9,680
Full Service Cremation $7,510
Affordable Burial $5,925